Northampton Funeral Photographers - All Saints Church, Mears Ashby,


Northampton Funeral Photographer

It was a privilege to be asked by Averil Phillips & Family Funeral Directors to both film and photograph a family Memorial Service on behalf of the Miller family at All Saints Church in Mears Ashby, Northampton a couple of weeks ago.  We started at the family home where the family asked us to capture some essential close family shots of everyone together around Barry's Casket. The family had commissioned a silver American style coffin which was wow, amazing!  

All Saints church was literally a just a 2 minute walk, moving from the house to the church was very easy. The church was full and soon the family arrived and carried Barry down the aisle to the front of the church. The Vicar and all those who spoke talked about Barry's amazing life and all the things he achieved. It was incredible to help capture through film and photography, the thoughts, stories, prayers and ways that Barry touched the lives of those around him. 

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