Suffolk Funeral Videographer

Suffolk & Ipswich Funeral Videographer St Mary & St Peter's Church, Barham - 15th May 2018

Suffolk Funeral Videographers

"Hi Shaun, I Just wanted to say a massive thank you for the video, it was absolutely beautiful. Thank goodness for people like you who make it possible for this to happen. 

Thanks Hayley & Nathan - Ipswich Funeral in Suffolk

Last week I was asked by Southgate & Roberts Funeral Directors to be the Funeral Videographer for a Funeral in Ipswich, suffolk on behalf of the family who live in Australia. Due to being unable to fly, the family were unable to attend the funeral today, which must have been devastating for them. So I was tasked with the job of getting up at 5:15am and travelling 140 miles to Ipswich to film the ceremony at St Mary & St Peter's Church, Barham and then driving 140 miles back to the office to edit the film for the family within a 24 hour period so they could view it at their earliest convenience. I love a challenge and this morning seems a long time ago now, but 12 hours after setting off I'm back in the office, the film is complete and uploading for the family ready to view which I'm thrilled with. 

A big thank you to Reverend Jenny Ablett, an amazing, kind, generous vicar who made me feel so at home. A lovely accommodating church which I have to say made my job today so much easier. Thank you Jenny to you and all your staff who helped out today. You did such a lovely job of Colins ceremony. 

Here can find more information about Funeral Videography, Funeral Photography and Funeral Streaming UK

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